5 Key Factors for Rehab Success

If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction, help is available. Speak with a Recovery Advocate by calling (719) 602-0914 now.

Updated 08/02/2022

Rehab takes commitment. Healing from substance abuse is never an easy proposition. There are several factors that can help those in rehab be more successful. Here are a few of them.

1. A strong support system

If you are fortunate enough to have family members who support your desire to overcome substance abuse, now is the time to reach out for help. Emotional support is a vital part of treatment. If family members are not supportive, reaching out to friends, a faith community, or others who have shown you support in the past can provide the emotional support you need.

2. Knowing what you need

Working together with your rehab medical staff and counselors is the best way to assess your needs during the treatment process. Each person’s needs are slightly different, and what works for one person may not work as well for another. While it is important to follow the rules for the treatment program you are in, it is also important to make sure that treatment is addressing your particular needs in order to experience long-term success.

3. Motivation to change

If you do not want to change, the harsh truth is that you will not do so. Motivation to change can be complex, and can come from different sources. While part of you may not want to give up the substance abuse, you may be motivated by legal consequences of your actions, the potential loss of important relationships if you do not change, or just a realization that you are walking down a destructive path when you abuse drugs and alcohol. Whatever motivates you to change, in the end, needs to be stronger than the desire to continue the abuse.

Remember that clinicians and staff are on your side and are there to help you.

4. Positive relationships with rehab staff

The clinicians, therapists, and other staff at a rehab facility are there for one reason, to help you as you struggle with substance abuse and addiction. While relationships are not always easy, a good starting point is to realize that whatever the staff says and does is intended to help you. The staff is on your side, so being adversarial (or hostile, or defiant) toward them will not benefit you in the long run. Doing your part to remain positive and maintain good relationships with rehab staff will be beneficial for your treatment goals.

5. Ability to think long-term

In many cases, substance abuse is made worse by short-term thinking, i.e. “I just need to get through today, so I’m going to use again.” Being able to stop thinking in this way and to begin thinking about how your future will be impacted by further substance abuse can help you get through the inevitable cravings, anxiety, and other feelings that have caused you to continue using in the past.

Learn about admissions to Recovery Village of Palmer Lake and how our unique facility can help you or a loved one with a substance abuse problem.