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Inpatient Alcohol Rehab in Denver

According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Colorado has a higher percentage of adolescents ages 12-17, who used illicit drugs than the national average. The National Institute on Drug Abuse reports other than alcohol, marijuana is the drug most misused in Denver, Colorado with an increase in use of methamphetamines, heroin and… Continue reading Inpatient Alcohol Rehab in Denver

Drug Rehabilitation and Substance Abuse Resources in Broomfield

Addiction is hurting families throughout Colorado, the state in which a campaign against methamphetamine use, called Not Even Once, succeeded to slow drug use. According to a survey released earlier this year by Rise Above Colorado, a Broomfield-based organization that works to prevent youth drug abuse, teen use of methamphetamine, marijuana and prescription medication abuse… Continue reading Drug Rehabilitation and Substance Abuse Resources in Broomfield

Drug Rehabilitation and Substance Abuse Resources in Arvada

Every day, more and more citizens of Arvada, Colorado struggle with substance abuse. Drugs like opioids, cocaine, marijuana, alcohol, methamphetamine and heroin are taking a huge toll on Colorado families. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) indicates that this state has one of the highest incidences of death by drug overdose and fatal alcohol-related injuries… Continue reading Drug Rehabilitation and Substance Abuse Resources in Arvada